Types of Foot Fungus & How to Prevent Them

When you don’t properly care for your feet, they can become a magnet for fungus and infection. This is because a fungus is attracted to warm, moist environments and feeds off the tissue of your feet. Read the following article to understand some common fungal infections better.

Type of Fungus Affected Area Common Symptoms Typical Treatments
Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis) Between toes, soles Itching, redness, cracked skin, blisters Antifungal creams, sprays, powders (e.g., terbinafine, clotrimazole)
Toenail Fungus (Onychomycosis) Toenails Yellowing, thickening, brittle nails Antifungal nail creams, oral antifungals (e.g., terbinafine)
Ringworm (Tinea Corporis) Feet, also other skin areas Circular, red, itchy patches Topical antifungal creams, oral medication for severe cases
Jock Itch (Tinea Cruris) Also affects groin Itching, redness, ring-shaped rash Antifungal creams, improved hygiene, keeping area dry
Interdigital Tinea Between toes Softening skin, odor, peeling Keeping feet dry, antifungal powders and creams

Athlete’s foot

If you experience peeling, itching, burning, blisters, or general redness in your feet, you may have athlete’s foot. At least four types of fungus cause this condition, but more commonly, the trichophyton rubrum fungus is to blame. The fungus is attracted to moist areas and lives on the dead tissue of the skin and toenails. An experienced podiatrist can prescribe anti-fungal creams to treat the area and prevent the infection from spreading. However, it is important to keep your feet clean and dry for medicine to be most effective and to avoid further infections.

Toenail fungus

The same strains of fungus that cause athlete’s foot also can be responsible for toenail fungus. In these cases, the fungus attacks the area or the toenail itself. The symptoms include the nail turning an unusual color, such as yellow, black, or white. The nail can also separate from the skin, crumble, and split. Without medical treatment, this problem won’t disappear. It also can spread to other people. Your podiatrist can prescribe a medicated anti-fungal cream or an oral medication to treat this condition. In addition, toenail fungus can now be successfully treated with a laser.


This is by far the most serious foot infection. The fungus can enter your tissue through small cuts in your feet. A gradual and painless destruction of soft foot tissue characterizes it. Cases of eumycetoma are most commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions.

Tips for Preventing Nail Fungus

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is an overwhelmingly common affliction. One out of every two Americans will experience nail fungus before age 70. While this foot problem sends many people to the podiatrist each year, that doesn’t mean it’s inevitable! Here are some tips for reducing the odds of a nail fungal infection:

Tend to your nails often

Keep your nails clean, dry, and short. Trim and file your nails regularly to ensure that they are entirely clean. Don’t pick at the skin on your fingertips, which can increase the risk of infection. Fungi love damp, dark places, so make your nails as inhospitable as possible by washing your hands and feet with soap and drying thoroughly afterward. Avoid using nail polish or wearing artificial nails, as they lock in humidity and block light that might otherwise reach the fungus and help kill it.

Don’t go barefoot in public.

Always wear protective footwear in public, especially in wet places such as locker rooms, public baths, and swimming pools. Shower shoes work great, so keep a pair in your gym bag. When done at the gym or pool, ensure your feet are completely dry before wearing clean, absorbent socks. Ensuring your socks and shoes are always clean and dry is important. It may be beneficial to keep an extra pair of socks in your gym bag, just in case.

Be vigilant about fungus symptoms.

If you notice anything that could be fungus, take immediate action. Use antifungal sprays or powders on your feet and the insides of your shoes, and visit the podiatrist if your symptoms persist. The faster you respond to any signs of a fungal infection, the safer you’ll be.

Call and schedule an appointment with the friendly professionals at Austin Podiatry for top-of-the-line podiatric care for a wide range of foot issues. Contact us today for more information.

How to Prevent and Treat Foot Fungus

Fungus infections, especially on the bottom of the foot, can happen regardless of your cleanliness or hygiene habits. Watch this video for more information.

The video elaborates on fungal infections, explaining that fungi thrive on the dead skin on the bottom of your feet, as well as the warm, moist environment inside your socks. You will also learn how to prevent foot fungus by exfoliating to remove dead skin and using a powder inside your shoes and socks to remove moisture.

FAQ: Types of Foot Fungus

What does fungus look like on feet?

Fungus on feet typically appear as scaly, red patches between the toes or on the soles of the feet. It may also cause peeling, cracking, and itchiness. Sometimes, the skin may become white and moist, particularly in the areas between the toes.

What are the most common foot fungus?

The most common types of foot fungus are athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) and toenail fungus (onychomycosis). Athlete’s foot primarily affects the skin between the toes and the soles, while toenail fungus affects the nails, causing them to become discolored, thick, and brittle.

What does tinea look like on feet?

Tinea on the feet, commonly known as athlete’s foot, appears as red, scaly patches. It often starts between the toes before spreading to other parts of the foot. The affected areas might be itchy, especially after removing shoes and socks.

How can you tell if someone has foot fungus?

Signs of foot fungus include itching, redness, a scaly or flaky appearance of the skin, foul odor, and sometimes pain. In cases of toenail fungus, the nails may become yellow, thick, and crumbly.

What actually kills foot fungus?

Over-the-counter antifungal creams, sprays, and powders effectively kill foot fungus. Ingredients such as terbinafine, clotrimazole, and miconazole are commonly used. For severe cases, prescription oral antifungals may be necessary.

What can be mistaken for athlete’s foot?

Conditions that can mimic athlete’s foot include eczema, psoriasis, and bacterial infections like erythrasma. These conditions may present with similar symptoms, such as itching and redness.

What can be mistaken for tinea?

Tinea can be mistaken for other skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, and intertrigo. These may exhibit similar symptoms, including redness, scaling, and itchiness.

What is the difference between foot fungus and athlete’s foot?

Foot fungus is a general term for any fungal infection on the foot, including skin and nail infections. Athlete’s foot specifically refers to a fungal infection of the skin on the feet, usually caused by tinea fungus.

What is the difference between tinea and fungus?

Tinea is a type of fungus. The term “tinea” is often used to describe fungal infections of the skin, such as ringworm or athlete’s foot, depending on the body part affected (e.g., tinea pedis for feet).

What happens if tinea is left untreated?

If left untreated, tinea can spread to other parts of the foot, other body areas, and other people. It can lead to more severe skin infections, especially in individuals with weakened immune systems.

Why is tinea so hard to get rid of?

Tinea is difficult to eradicate because fungi thrive in warm, moist environments like sweaty shoes. Re-infection is common, and incomplete treatment or non-compliance with antifungal regimens can lead to the persistence or recurrence of the infection.

What mimics fungal infection?

Several conditions can mimic fungal infections, including eczema, psoriasis, and bacterial infections like erythrasma. These might present with similar symptoms, such as itching, scaling, and red patches on the skin, making accurate diagnosis important for effective treatment.

Looking for More Information on Nail Fungus and Other Foot Ailments? You Can Find Them Here

The health of your feet is one of the most important aspects of your overall well-being. Our feet carry the entire bodyweight load, so small injuries can quickly become more serious if not properly addressed. Take a look at these links to learn more about how to deal with some common foot ailments:

  • The Mayo Clinic gives an excellent overview of treating toe fungus including information on how to prevent a fungal infection from reoccurring.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides interesting information on foot problems caused by diabetes.
  • On this website, you will find some great tips to treat an ankle sprain
  • This article from the American Podiatric Medical Association gives you more information about foot health.
  • The University of Maryland Medical Center lists the causes as well as treatments for the many different types of foot pain.