Foot Pain Identifier – How To Identify Foot Pain

The foot is one of the most important parts of the human body, having to sustain the entire body weight and also ensure locomotion. The foot contains no less than 24 bones, not to mention tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues. The support at the level of the foot is given by the plantar fascia, with additional support being offered by fat pads (these also absorb shocks).

The pain that appears at the level of the foot is often a symptom of an underlying condition. In this article, we will talk about the different causes that stand behind such pain, helping you make a quick diagnosis.

Heel pain

As you will often see in this article, the location of the pain is most important. For example, if you are experiencing pain at the level of the heel(s), a number of conditions should be suspected.

Plantar fasciitis

The plantar fascia is a fibrous band of tissue that runs along the entire sole, connecting the muscle tendons with the toes. A number of factors can cause the plantar fascia to become irritated and inflamed, such as excess physical training, improper weight bearing or unequal weight distribution. The pain is more intense in the morning, as one tries to walk the first steps and it improves gradually, as the day passes. It is possible that the pain is experienced not only at the level of the heel but also in the arch of the foot.

Heel spurs

It is highly possible that a heel spur is behind the discomforting foot pain you have been experiencing, the abnormal bone growth is caused by ill-fitting shoes, inadequate posture, or unequal weight distribution at the level of the soles. It is important to understand that heel spurs do not appear overnight but they rather develop in time. In general, the pain is more intense during activities such as running, walking, or even standing. People with flat feet or those who present a high arch present a higher risk for heel spurs.

Note: According to a study[1] published on Foot & Ankle International, it is possible that plantar fasciitis and heel spurs are present in the same patient, making the foot pain even more intense. The study demonstrated that the simultaneous treatment of the two conditions can significantly reduce the pain experienced and also improve overall functioning.

Stone bruise

If you have recently experienced an injury at the level of the foot sole or you have stepped on a hard object, your foot pain might be caused by what is known as a stone bruise. The pain, in this case, will be localized in the ball of the foot or the fat pad of the heel. Many people associate the pain with the sensation of walking on pebbles, hence the name. Keep in mind that this is a deep bruise and it requires a longer period of time, in order to heal.

Heel fracture

The pain that results from a heel fracture is generally severe, accompanied by other signs, such as distinct bruising or inflammation. Given the fact that heel fractures are generally caused by falls or car accidents, the person in question will most likely be unable to walk or even support himself/herself in an orthostatic position. Emergency medical care is required in such situations.

Ball/foot pain


The inflammation of the metatarsal bones can cause serious pain, which will be mostly felt in the ball of the foot. A number of factors contribute to the appearance of such symptoms, including the constant wearing of ill-fitting shoes, excess physical effort, and engaging in activities, such as running or jumping.

Morton’s neuroma

This is a serious condition, in which the tissue that surrounds the nerves of the toes begins to thicken (most commonly at the level of the third and fourth toe). Patients who suffer from Morton’s neuroma may present pain in this area, being sometimes accompanied by numbness or a pins & needles sensation. Women are more predisposed to such problems, due to the fact that they wear high heels or constrictive shoes.


Sesamoid bones are normally located at the level of the big toe or the first metatarsal. In the situation that the tendons or other soft tissues around these bones become inflamed, the patient can experience pain in that area. This condition can be caused by an acute injury but it is also present in professional athletes or artists (runners, ballerinas, etc.).

Arch pain

Plantar fasciitis

As it was mentioned at the beginning of the article, it is possible that the inflammation of the plantar fascia can cause both heel and arch pain. It is essential to remember that, in this case, the pain is most intense, in the morning, when one takes the first steps.

Flat feet

If you have flat feet, it is quite likely to experience pain at the level of the fallen arches. This pain becomes more intense when one walks for prolonged periods of time or if he/she engages in more strenuous physical activities.

Toe pain


Bunions represent a common cause of foot pain, especially in those who have worn ill-fitting shoes for a prolonged period of time. Aging is considered a risk factor for such problems, as the first toe joint can become misaligned with the passing of time.

According to an article[2] published in the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, bunions can often lead to food pain, discouraging the person who is suffering from such problems from engaging in physical activity. The authors of the article draw attention to the fact weak muscles might be a common cause of bunions, with physical therapy being able to strengthen foot muscles and improve overall mobility.

Hammer toe

The excess flexion of the toes can be responsible for the pain in the area. The changes occur at the level of the middle joint, the name being chosen due to the hammer-like appearance. It is important to understand that there are a number of factors that can cause such changes, including ill-fitting footwear or unequal weight distribution.


This is an inflammatory condition, which is mainly caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints of the toes. When an inflammatory episode is present, the pain can be quite severe, preventing the patient from walking or engaging in other physical activities. The big toe is most commonly affected by gout, the pain is accompanied by other symptoms as well, such as warmth, redness, or a pulsating sensation.

Claw toe

When a person suffers from conditions such as diabetes or alcoholism, it is possible that nerve damage occurs. If the nerves are damaged, this means that all the tissues in the area, including muscles, are going to suffer. The pain associated with the claw toe is quite intense, and the patient is unable to straighten his/her toes. Apart from the pain, one might also present a burning or stinging sensation. Many patients describe the such sensation as if electricity was passing through their bodies.

Ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenails can be extremely painful, preventing the patient from standing and even walking. If an infection has occurred at the same time, then the pain is going to be even more intense. In general, the pain is made worse by continuing to wear ill-fitting or constrictive footwear.

Toe sprain

The toe sprain is a direct result of injury, a common situation being the one in which one would stub his/her toe against a hard surface. The pain and inflammation can be quite severe but, upon no severe damage being caused, they will subside rapidly.

Toe fracture

If one or several toes have been fractured, as a result of injury or trauma, the patient will present severe pain. He/she will also be unable to move the toes, experiencing numbness or other similar symptoms (suggestive of nerve damage). Immediate medical attention is required in case of such fractures.

Big toe arthritis

The inflammatory arthritic process that can occur at the level of the big toe is also known as hallux rigiditus. The pain is mostly experienced at the base of the big toe, accompanied by a reduced range of motion and stiffness. It is important to understand that this condition can progress, becoming worse with the passing of time.

Corns and callouses

The thickened and hard skin can cause a lot of pain, especially if one continues to wear ill-fitted shoes. The pain is present in the areas of pressure or excess friction, being made worse by prolonged standing or when walking on hard or unleveled surfaces.

Sesamoid fracture

Even though it is quite rare, it is possible that a sesamoid fracture occurs. In such situations, the pain will be mostly experienced at the level of the big toe. Radiologic investigations are required in order to confirm such a diagnosis.

Other causes of foot pain

Metatarsal fracture

If the last metatarsal bone has been fractured, the patient will most likely experience pain on the outer edge of the foot. Apart from pain, there will be obvious swelling and bruising. Injuries and accidents are mainly responsible for such kind of fractures. Immediate medical intervention will be necessary.

[1] Relationship and classification of plantar heel spurs in patients with plantar fasciitis. Foot & Ankle International, 2016. Retrieved from: [2] Bunions: strengthening foot muscles to reduce pain and improve mobility. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 2016, 46(7). Retrieved from: